A Chance to Give Twice!

donateabag.org Fundraising Platform is an INSTRUMENT to achieve an Individual or Groups Fundraising Dreams, while supporting those in need with Soup Bags and other Items that warm the Heart and Soul!

Who may use this Fundraising Platform: Anyone who has a Fundraising Need: School, Group, Individual, Youth Group, Organization, dance studio, sports team, Music Programs, etc.

Our Donate a Bag Platform gives you the opportunity to Give TWICE:

  1. Your Purchase of our 2lb Donate a Bag Enables your Cause to Raise the Dollars Needed!
  2. You Gift a 2lb Bag of Soup to a Regional Food Pantry
  3. Soul Warming Fundraising will MATCH your 2lb Donation and Gives an additional 2lbs of Soup in your groups’s name! That is 4lbs of Soup Giving in your Groups Name!

Contact us to setup a Donate a Bag fundraiser today!

“Giving That Warms the Heart and Soul!”